How to open file



Debian Software Package

If you have a problem with using .deb file extension – we can help You. Below is a list of programs that support the file type of Debian Software Package for all operating systems. If at any time in the future you will have a problem with any file extension, please visit our File Extensions Database. From today, the question - How to open file .deb - There won't be a problem.
  • Filetype:Debian Software Package
  • Producer:N/A
  • Pupularity:
  • Category:Pliki skompresowane
Operating System Software



  • Debian package management system
  • Synaptic Package Manager
  • Adept
rozszerzenie pliku deb po polsku na
deb Dateiendung auf Deutsch am
Other file extensions in this category
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  • Drivers: 19208
  • Translations: 727
  • File Extensions: 5923